Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Procrastination at its finest

Sooo...I think I mentioned in my last blog that I am taking summer classes. Right now, I am only in one class (Pediatrics), which is 100 times better than taking 4 classes at a time. However, staying true to the procrastinator in me, I took on a home project instead of studying which is what I should be doing. Now, just to clarify- I am a very amateur DIY (do it yourself) projector...and yes, I know projector in this form is not a word. I really enjoy following crafting blogs and always have an idea for a project in my head. Unfortunately, nursing school rarely allows either the money or the time for such things.

When I moved into my apartment, somehow in all the crazyness of moving all of my belongings to the 3rd floor this happened....

I was quite sad to discover the shelf of my inexpensive beautiful coffee table had a huge ugly scratch on it.

So now, after almost a year of my shelf chillin in my closet, I finally fixed it up a little with the help of Mod Podge and some scrap book paper. All in all it only cost about $2 to complete since I already had the Mod Podge. You can't beat that!

There! Isn't that much better? I absolutely love it. Now back to the real world of studying. Toodles! P.S. stay tuned for another project from a garage sale steal  =)


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Energizer Bunny

Be still and know that I am God

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.

I read these verses over and over again and yet it seems they never stick. I am not a naturally still person. I love to be moving and busy. I love adventures and pursuing the things that make me happy. Still is boring to me. Yet, over the past few months God is continuously calling me to slow down, to even stop, and simply focus on Him.

Sorry I haven't written in oh...months. Nursing school along with life itself has kept me pretty busy lately. It is so hard to believe that in just 3 weeks I will have finished my first year of nursing school. I will be halfway done. Insane! With a 16 hour class load on top of 15 hours of clinical a week, sometimes it is hard to just stop and focus on God. The past few months have been nothing short of a painful, refining period. I have been joyful, broken, exhausted, hopeful, and about 30 other emotions. God is slowly but surely getting me to the point where I am not kicking and screaming at the thought of being in Galveston. I am getting to know more people and finally beginning to see that this is the place I am supposed to be.

Today I went to Sagemont Church in Houston and I think it may be the church God is calling me to . Praise Jesus! Looking at church after church was exhausting. So exhausting that I'd actually given up and simply slept in on Sundays. I'd become so focused on the church that I lost sight of my Creator and seeking him.

School is going well- I am considering taking classes this summer in order to lighten my load for the Fall and Spring. Sorry this was short-I truly am going to try and write again soon and not wait 4 months to do so. Hope everyone is well!
