Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Procrastination at its finest

Sooo...I think I mentioned in my last blog that I am taking summer classes. Right now, I am only in one class (Pediatrics), which is 100 times better than taking 4 classes at a time. However, staying true to the procrastinator in me, I took on a home project instead of studying which is what I should be doing. Now, just to clarify- I am a very amateur DIY (do it yourself) projector...and yes, I know projector in this form is not a word. I really enjoy following crafting blogs and always have an idea for a project in my head. Unfortunately, nursing school rarely allows either the money or the time for such things.

When I moved into my apartment, somehow in all the crazyness of moving all of my belongings to the 3rd floor this happened....

I was quite sad to discover the shelf of my inexpensive beautiful coffee table had a huge ugly scratch on it.

So now, after almost a year of my shelf chillin in my closet, I finally fixed it up a little with the help of Mod Podge and some scrap book paper. All in all it only cost about $2 to complete since I already had the Mod Podge. You can't beat that!

There! Isn't that much better? I absolutely love it. Now back to the real world of studying. Toodles! P.S. stay tuned for another project from a garage sale steal  =)
